My Wife Loves Mowing the Lawn

Mow Time!

Do you like to mow the lawn or is it one of those mundane type things that has to be done that just takes up time that you could be doing something more fun like golfing?

Well, my wife loves mowing the lawn, but the reason why might surprise you. She LOVES doing things that give her instant feedback and results. The sight of all of those dark green leaves of grass all out there haphazardly growing at different heights with no regard to order being all set in straight lines, one darker and one lighter and now of all the same height just gives her a great sense of accomplishment.

I must agree too, the sight of a well-striped fairway or green on a golf course in particular, to me, is a beautiful thing. I think we all can enjoy the satisfying feeling that comes from a job well done, but not so sure we all enjoy doing the job.

This week I have been talking to loan officers about time management, more precisely, priority management because no one other than the maker can make any more time, the trick is to make sure you are spending yours in a way that aligns with to what you value.

How are you doing? If the universe gave you 2 more hours in a day, how would you spend it? Would you use it to sleep more, maybe some quality time with your son or daughter? Maybe you could use the time to plan your week or month and create even more time by being more efficient and effective. Some would choose a more specific sales activity that they keep telling themselves they don’t have time for. I make them quit saying that and instead say “I chose not to make it a priority.”

The reality is, you already have that 2 hours, it is just being wasted doing things that are not really that important to you, like perhaps, mowing the lawn. If that is the case, could you not hire someone else to do that for you? Are you wasting hour upon hour on social media just adding to their advertising revenue with no real purpose?

I challenge you to TAKE that 2 hours back, whatever it is that you answered you would do with those 2 more hours, go ahead and do that now and figure out later where that time would come from. It’s like land, they aint making any more of it, it’s your job to use it as it best aligns with your values.